Megjelent az Intersections folyóirat első száma

We would kindly like to inform you that the first issue of Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics has been recently published.

First Issue of Intersections. EEJSP

Intersections. EEJSP  is a peer reviewed journal promoting multidisciplinarity and comparative thinking on Eastern and Central European politics and societies in a global context. The journal publishes research with international relevance and encourages comparative analysis. Founded by the Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences IEEJSP provides an international forum for scholars investigating political and social phenomena within and beyond the region.

As its point of departure Intersections.EEJSP  takes a timely subject for European societies: the far-right phenomenon as related to mainstream politics and discourse.


Table of Contents

Editorial Introduction

Margit Feischmidt and Peter Hervik

Mainstreaming the Extreme: Intersecting Challenges from the Far Right in Europe

Special Section

Tamás Csillag and Iván Szelényi

Drifting from Liberal Democracy: Traditionalist/Neo-conservative Ideology of Managed Illiberal Democratic Capitalism in Post-communist Europe

Sindre Bangstad

The Racism that Dares not Speak its Name: Rethinking Neo-nationalism and Neo-racism

Peter Hervik      

What is in the Scandinavian Nexus of “Islamophobia, Multiculturalism, and Muslim-Western Relations”?

Giorgos Tsimouris

From Mainstream to Extreme: Casino Capitalism, Fascism and the Re-bordering of Immigration in Greece

Domonkos Sik

Incubating Radicalism in Hungary – the Case of Sopron and Ózd

Gabriella Szabó and Márton Bene

Mainstream or an Alternate Universe? Locating and Analysing the Radical Right Media Products in the Hungarian Media Network

Alena Kluknavská        

A Right-wing Extremist or People’s Protector? Media Coverage of Extreme Right Leader Marian Kotleba in 2013 Regional Elections in Slovakia

Anikó Félix

Old Missions in New Clothes: The Reproduction of the Nation as Women's Main Role Perceived by Female Supporters of Golden Dawn and Jobbik


Isidora Stakić     

Securitization of LGBTIQ Minorities in Serbian Far-right Discourses: A Post-structuralist Perspective         

Book Reviews

Michael Stewart (ed.) The Gypsy ‘Menace’. Populism and the New Anti-Gypsy Politics, Columbia University Press 2012.

Juraj Buzalka

Cas Mudde (ed.)Youth and the Extreme Right, Idebate Press, 2014.

Anikó Félix