Novelties of Criminal Law in Legal Consciousness

Funding: OTKA
Duration: October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2020 (35 months)

The empirical research project focuses on the relation between legal consciousness and novelties of criminal law. With its broad spectrum of elaborated and professionally chosen questions, the research gives a unique opportunity for an outstandingly thorough analysis, which is without precedent in Hungary so far. The most important expected result of the research is that it will give information on the knowledge and attitudes regarding the novelties of regulations. Both in respect of content and methodology this might serve as an opening chapter of a new direction when analysing legal consciousness. The research, furthermore, might be suited for reviewing the traditionally studied problematics of how the varying social factors (gender, age etc.) affect legal consciousness, with a specific attention to the relationship of professional qualification and attitudes.

Principal investigator (PI):

Miklós Hollán
Senior Research Fellow 
Researcher profile page 

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